Thursday, July 28, 2005

“Concrete Decorated Elephantine”

Those that have calculated the expanse and proportions and study the precise center of mass establishing the trajectory of the varied satellites;

those that clutch the statistics of expanse and dimension of seemingly inexplicable far-flung entities, all with an entourage of celestial adherents, each administered via the exact definite perfunctory commandments and externally obligatory powers.

It can only be tenuously imagined what the primal experienced in consideration to the lustrous arrangement. A cosmos animate, characters with might and authority, strange and outside grasp.

An immense sentient beast or a militia in compassion or contrary to humanity. The whole was vagueness and a wonder, and the lights conversed to the essence in a perceptible tongue.

*words & illustration by k.evans, c2005

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

"Corollary of Venison"


They pursue unpaid helpers and traveler to realize infinite will. Salvage the unbroken congregation! Rebuke the charlatan and bring to an end to the infringement bordering the benumbed population. Miniature timbre suppurates with divest! Gaudy protrusions unchain a duplicate stance of contaminant and continue the quarrel of display,

Corollary of Venison!

*words & illustration by k.evans, c2005

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

"Graze or Exhume?"

The gallant marathon is a potent territory gradually constructed jointly. An impressive sequence of laudable action, the unusual capture of chaos. The populace, void of Instance makes it ripe and precious. Original conduct, if lucrative ought to demonstrate an audience’s curiosity. Account is redundant. The exploit of development in partnership with other utensils is a chief and essential conduit of declaration & materialization. It is in our nature to choose.

Remains of its previous nature, glancing from uncovered stratum. Specters of previous arrangements, Lone slice existing as a separate.

Faithful judgment will be branded.

*words & illustration by k.evans, c2005

"Plague assassinates myriad"

Uniqueness of incentive and truth; the illustrious achievement that crafts genuine the superior. Designer and discoverer upend archaic minimalisms. Unawareness is occupied in the labor of manufacturing gradations and mock ambiguity, the Illogical and gruesome fascist of authenticity. Reflex culture complies with the deceased; beliefs of antiquity are commandments of the contemporary. The procedures of environment are twisted by protracted unnoticeable measures. Only the vocation of vicious ruin and injury is immediate. Plague assassinates myriad in a day; tempest encumbers the soil with crushed nations and cumulative struggle. An unnoticed element of haze unites to form the vapor and billow that descends on yearning expanse to consecrate the vast emerald hinterlands. They fabricate unhurriedly and obliterate instantly.

*words & illustration by k.evans, c2005

Monday, July 25, 2005

"End Age"

It raises a dreadful symbol of fate in the occurrence of urban. The instruction of previous era is forceful and grave, the account of misbegotten riches is the narration of sedition and collapse. In fraudulent exalted persona of nationalism and creed, it sends a sacrificial army to gather the time of menace and misfortune. Without charge are the progeny of comfort, excess, and opulence.

*words & illustration by k.evans, c2005

Sunday, July 24, 2005

"Clone Pilasters"

The clone pilasters in order to sustain must linger divided and analogous. When it is endeavored by aggression to merge, they are upturned and the structure cascades on the recklessly unsighted. Synchronization is the outcome of the irregular prevalence of influences. Controls that are opposing furnish motion. If a center seeking dynamism should conquer the periphery seeking, the symmetry terminates and the system is obliterated. In place of amalgamation, the sum total would be ravaged into chaotic flotsam and jetsam.

*words & illustration by k.evans, c2005

Saturday, July 23, 2005

"Pummeling Sanity"

Murky template is closing extent for recline. In catalepsy, infantile combine mounts from disembark, identifying region to be a common mode. Unenthusiastic sienna trickle splatters the side malarkey. Traumatized boost sways sideways, crashing into the pre-cast perpendicular vessel. Bewildered subdivision associates as the responsibility to ejection. Gateway unlocks and the loutish swarm gushes into lobby, pillaging municipal and private justness. The percolating drove lingers, enthusiastic to hoist. All chambers clutch a unique shedding. Piquant intense bouquet of an abundant whiff! Ancient depraved vegetables inseminating an unclean splotch!

*words & illustration by k.evans, c2005

Friday, July 22, 2005

"Newborn Legions of Insect"


A lion’s portions of torn dissertation casings propel unrefined airdrome expulsion, a confine near wayside vestibule. It is an invalid postulation as to what manner of apparatus it is. a nebulous veterinary implement worn in an obsolete modus operandi? The cunning preserve detached prospects to monitor the resolution fade, urbanizing a familial ecosystem. Idler drains away! The Legion of insect and epidemic swaddles the core and knows not the connotation of dissolution.

*words & illustration by k.evans, c2005


In the mind's eye a sequence of expressions personifying no concrete implication, an impenetrable maze of nuance flourished. The lone imposing scheme always materialized and arose foremost, fixed above a blistering bedlam of upheaval. Observe the conclusion of the immense theory and machination of relic; the definitive obliteration of senselessness.

*words & illustration by k.evans, c2005

Thursday, July 21, 2005

"Σφυρί και αμόνι"

It is demolition, it is shells. It is not escalation and evolution. Vigor unfettered is squander! Craving is the solitary escort. Deliberation is ignored. Unawareness and Suffering! Vices and corruption reek and seethe! Throw it into kiln to be cleansed by inferno and grow to be imposing jewel! They hold the visceral might, a strike that facilitates the majestic prompt.

*words & illustration by k.evans, c2005

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Impediment to achievement incorporates lethargy, vacillation of the egotistical and a supine unconcern for a more meaningful existence. The snarl, devastation and blind urgency of subsistence and industry combines with a superficial distracting clamor and the pandemonium of government. Those that venture to transcend and improve, face a seemingly unconquerable antagonist. Disbelievers vomit nauseous portent and inane fanatics sermonize the absurdity and pointlessness of the endeavor. The world is polluted and overrun with this degraded plague; it must be conquered and eradicated.

*words & illustration by k.evans, c2005

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


“Mislead and overstate worth to those in privileged bloc!” Machine of endorsements is prosperous in harvesting discontent and insecurity. -The ownership of a simple justification. Assertions hoisted in opposition to the disparity are hushed with incarceration! It would render the ceaseless exertion a fraction simpler. I’m convinced I need to shelter myself into some remote undersized hut, far away with no contact to the exterior. My medication copulates with fusty digestion, administering episodic catnaps.

*words & illustration by k.evans, c2005

Saturday, July 16, 2005


Hour of obscurity discharges a chatter above the miserly ripened broadcast. Paid only in Gossip demonstrations to override furnace swell hospitality, This notification of pending whiteout summons a dispatch. Lasts on the pike await emigration. Icy moisture forces an entry and the door cracks. Opaque colorless envelope. A stucco partition of cold. -Far-flung from protective edifice. A decided best to descend unaccompanied, escorted only by affiliates of the daily patrol to native safety. Open back black window related to depart from freezer’s exposed boiling head supports. At least the rain will wash heat and floating smog. As I lay on my back inspecting paved promoted condition, the delirious yearn for an immediate amend of stage. an entire trip transition budged with feeble swiftness as unbearable drudge of the tread helm drenched all reverberation, an available unhindered wearing of thick wool sweaters, sweating liberally. All the people melt to malls, movie theater complexes and cleaved tarpaulin apertures to aid advancement of the bleak load to nowhere. How do they navigate this vehicle?

*words & illustration by k.evans, c2005

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


To whom it may concern,

I’m sure this account is overlooked & disconnected. However, thought I might entice probability and confirm. What is the utility of your establishment? At first glimpse, the imprint is that of a transaction for an archaic cluster. As I commenced my study, I perceived sect overtones parallel to “Common refuge”. I anticipate that you are not “Anon”. I have forwarded a copy of this correspondence to the district authorities in the occasion of impairment or unlawful seizure. Now that the preliminaries are comprehensible, we can ensue to more considerable affairs. I do now know in fact that you are false hearted, your proceedings disclose your exterior. I require an assembly analogous to yours.

*words & illustration by k.evans, c2005

Monday, July 11, 2005

"Reflex Evolution"

“Strip the vestiges of truth for use in the construction of jovial accommodations!” Hidden communal mechanisms of survival, An intuitive failsafe. Innocent motivations for something, Beyond survival. A phalanx of vapid seekers thick with lust for notoriety, Sling esteem congesting ridicule to induce disquieting night spasms. It was the year to bestow upon the single-minded, self-sacrifice. It is a necessity for all to assign a degree of importance to the short and meaningless centimeter of the unconscious, at work planning our conscious minds.

*words & illustration by k.evans, c2005

Saturday, July 09, 2005


Adept of enigma, the progressive sequence of metaphor. Prehistoric unadorned pointers arise as a dissolute facade to an antediluvian cathedral. Vulgar in its stained enormity, Sectors are tarnished by time or by prevailing embellishments and uncanny understanding. The arpeggio endures vestibule.

*words & illustration by k.evans, c2005

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Voracious Examination (II)

Occasionally, it entails prescription drugs, household cleansing solvents, sharp spiny objects, coinage; the catalogue is boundless and sometimes unimaginable. Specific individuals boasted an attachment for methods tested to be a most proficient custom in the analyses of incoming raw information. The vivid pigmentation of an item might signify a nourishing purpose. Exterior incisors labored in a gnawing manner, shredding the waxen tinted batons into unique rugged shavings. Finale of many excursions provoked a contemplation of infused tar like clumps garnishing the spawn’s tiny mouth. Defensive to aid in the pacifying of strider thirst! Covertly, it embodies a cleansing fusion. A chemical solution that will inevitably reside in a status of digestion accompanied by concoction of milk, bread and vegetable oil.

*words & illustration by k.evans, c2005

Sunday, July 03, 2005

"The Voracious Examination" (I)

Offspring are harried with the handicap of demobilizing curiosity, an instinct that is multiplied to dangerous extremes. State of infancy is tenaciously devoured by an ignited necessity to research the appearance, texture, flavor and odor of all concrete elements penetrating an individual space. A comparison of features and their diversified reactions upon the senses resolves what service and worth an article may or may not retain. Compulsory automation is vulcanized into the structure, tirelessly convening incoming data. An endeavor to assist acclimation into the environment of present habitat. It is prevalent that kin unconsciously abandon dubious components in reach of probing offspring that solicit proceedings to ingest.

*words & illustration by k.evans, c2005

Saturday, July 02, 2005

"A Prayer of Domination"

Persistently the populace expresses colossal potency, terminating in immeasurable vulnerability. Adorning wilted temples; power brokers deceive and pilot the masses via mummified and oppressive beliefs. They reinstate decrepit creeds, a validation of infertile superstitions and bigotries. They rescue humanity by augmenting parasites, implementing the adoration of affluence as the method of deliverance. The sufferers of civilization are predestined to constant exertion with fallacy, racism, duplicity and injustice. A recipe of miscalculation and the prayer of domination.

*words & illustration by k.evans, c2005

Friday, July 01, 2005

“Indecipherable Facsimile”

Deposited resolutely as “perpetual knoll” and correctly accustomed to the four central locations.

Insolent of all onslaughts of population and epoch; lecture us to endure solid and unshaken, lodged upon the unbroken fact.

A fulfillment resulting from the association of procedure and advancement, Focal point substance occupation is only a scaffold for the routine.

Sequence ultimately renders the authenticity.

It gives the effect of an infertile sturdiness, Wreckage of its previous temperament stares from the naked stratum.

The eccentric and chief emblem of this Grade is the Tetractys, hovering in the East where as a rule the consecrated utterance or epistle glisten, representing the divinity.

*words & illustration by k.evans, c2005