Hilarious interview with Mike Patton 1991-92
The entire interview is done as he eats a large delicious sandwich.
Part 1: tinyurl.com/233xvf
The rest can be found here: tinyurl.com/yo6c4w
Q: “What would you like to see happen that would put your faith back into music?”
A: (Mike Patton) “I don’t know. People banging on dead bodies?”
A prophesy of things to come? –Fantomas? He also mentions the (incredible) San Francisco band, Grotus. A band that should have never gone away…
On a side note I was at a Grotus show around the time of this interview, they were playing the (old) DNA Lounge & Mike came out & did vocals for a few songs clad in a zippered leather mask (to ensure anonymity?) my friend Seb & I knew who it was because Juice (the drummer for Grotus) was a friend. I sort of recall something about Patton drinking a mysterious fluid from a woman’s shoe. Considering his reputation at that time, it wasn’t difficult to extrapolate what that liquid might be. But that was years ago, I was under the influence of many substances, it was the end of the show & my condition may have influenced what I thought I was witnessing.
thr photo of Fantomas came from: http://www.fotolog.com/_patton_
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