Tuesday, August 29, 2006

PARK(ing) Day

"Anyone can join PARK(ing) Day by transforming a parking spot into a PARK(ing) space on Thursday, September 21st, 2006."


Friday, August 25, 2006

Zoologisches Institut: Department of Ecology und Parasitology

Anguillicola crassus, a parasitic nematode from Asia in the swimbladder of the eel (Anguilla anguilla)Opened Swimbladder heavily infected with A. crassus


Thursday, August 24, 2006

Bowling Pin Art Show at Asbury lanes

Amazining, painted bowling pins! Bowling Pin Art Show at Asbury lanes
( Jersey)


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Giant nests perplex experts

MOBILE -- To the bafflement of insect experts, gigantic yellow jacket nests have started turning up in old barns, unoccupied houses, cars and underground cavities across the southern two-thirds of Alabama.
Specialists say it could be the result of a mild winter and drought conditions, or multiple queens forcing worker yellow jackets to enlarge their quarters so the queens will be in separate areas. But experts haven't determined exactly what's behind the surprisingly large nests.
Auburn University entomologists, who say they've never seen the nests so large, have been fielding calls about the huge nests from property owners from Dothan up to Sylacauga and over into west-central Alabama's Black Belt.
At one site in Barbour County, the nest was as large as a Volkswagen Beetle, said Andy McLean, an Orkin pesticide service manager in Dothan who helped remove it from an abandoned barn about a month ago.
"It was one of the largest ones we've seen," McLean said.
Attached to two walls and under the slab, the nest had to be removed in sections, McLean said.
Entomologist Dr. Charles Ray at the Alabama Cooperative Extension System in Auburn said he's aware of about 16 of what he described as "super-sized" nests in south Alabama.
Ray said he's seen 10 of them and cautioned people about going near them because of the yellow jacket's painful sting.
The largest nest Ray has inspected this year filled the interior of a weathered 1955 Chevrolet parked in a rural Elmore County barn. That nest was about the size of a tire in the rear floor seven weeks ago, but quickly spread to fill the entire vehicle, the property owner, Harry Coker, said. Four satellite nests around it have gotten into the eaves of the barn, about 300 yards from his home.
"I'm kind of afraid for the grandkids. I had to sneak down there at dark and get my tractor out of the barn," Coker said. "It's been a disruption."
Coker said he may wait until a winter freeze to try to remove the nest.
In previous years, a yellow jacket nest was no larger than a basketball, Ray said. It would contain about 3,000 workers and one queen. These gigantic nests may have as many as 100,000 workers and multiple queens.
Without a cold winter to kill them this year, the yellow jackets continued feeding in January and February -- and layering their nests made of paper, not wax. They typically are built in shallow underground cavities.
Yellow jackets, often confused with bees, may visit flowers for sugar, but unlike bees, yellow jackets are carnivorous, eating insects, carrion and picnic food, according to scientists."They were able to find food to colony through the winter," Ray said in a telephone interview.
He investigated a nest near Pineapple, measuring about 5 feet by 4 feet, that was coming out of the ground on a roadside. A southwest Pike County house in Goshen had a giant nest spreading into its roof.
Goshen Mayor G. Malon Johnson said he consulted Ray in removing it because he was concerned that children playing nearby could be attacked.
A colony has a maximum size in early July and August. The hot, dry conditions could force the yellow jackets out of ground nests.
"Normally it starts declining in the fall," Ray said.
He said the "super colonies" appear to have many queens.
"We're not really sure how this multiple queen thing works," Ray said. "It could be that the daughters of the original queen don't leave the nest or that the queens have developed some way to cooperate."
Ray examined a collected nest from Macon County to count the queens in it.
"We found 12 queens so far, so that's definitely a factor," Ray said Thursday.
Dr. Michael D. Goodisman, a biologist at Georgia Tech who has studied large nests in Australia, said he's heard of some large ones in Georgia and Florida, but not as big as those in Alabama.A 6-foot by 3-foot nest on a pond stump in Bulloch County, Ga., was featured July 12 on CNN.
"I'm not sure people know what triggers it," he said.
U.S. Department of Agriculture entomologist James H. Cane said he's familiar with a nest in Florida 10 or 15 years ago that engulfed a big easy chair. Cane said the monster nests reported in Alabama are intriguing and agreed with Ray that they could be the product of multiple queens in a single nest.
The nest usually dies out each year. "All that overwinters is the future queen," he said.
Given a queen's egg-laying rate, he said, there's no way a nest with a single queen could get that big in a growing season.
But in a multiple-queen colony, Cane said, there must be space where queens can't get at each othe


Friday, August 18, 2006

The Kunstkamera

Russia’s first museum was a freak sideshow with delightful exhibits of mutant animals, wooden bugs & pickled punks.

The Kunstkamera is a unique Russian landmark. It is Russia’s first museum. Its history is entertaining and its purpose was to be different. Through a bizarre twist of fate, the Kunstkamera has a misleading reputation in the world. The gruesome details about the museum are readily available. Meanwhile the flattering characteristics of the Kunstkamera are multitudinous, but poorly publicized.




Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Monkey Jockeys!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Christian Zionists and false prophets

The following appeared in the TimesSelect on the one line New YorkTimes web site

By Daoud Kuttab, Ramallah, West Bank

As if we don't have enough problems with Muslim and Jewishfundamentalists, we are now confronted with yet another -ist.Christian Zionists, mostly from the United States, are trying tothrow their weight behind one of the parties, in effect calling forthe continuation of the war and carnage in Lebanon.A small minority of evangelical Christians have entered the MiddleEast political arena with some of the most un-Christian statements Ihave ever heard. The latest gems come from people like PatRobertson, the founder and chairman of the Christian BroadcastingNetwork, and Rev. John Hagee of Christians United for Israel. Hagee,a popular televangelist who leads the 18,000-member CornerstoneChurch in San Antonio, ratcheted up his rhetoric this year with thepublication of his book, "Jerusalem Countdown," in which he arguesthat a confrontation with Iran is a necessary precondition forArmageddon (which will mean the death of most Jews, in his eyes) andthe Second Coming of ChristIn the best-selling book, Hagee insists that the United States mustjoin Israel in a preemptive military strike against Iran to fulfillGod's plan for both Israel and the West. Shortly after the book'spublication, he launched Christians United for Israel (CUFI), which,as the Christian version of the powerful American Israel PublicAffairs Committee, he said would cause "a political earthquake."With the outbreak of the war on Lebanon, he and others have calledto their followers to pray for Israel, and for the continuation ofthe war on Lebanon. They have demanded that Israel not relent inwhat they call the need to destroy Hezbollah and Hamas. They seem tohave completely forgotten the very core of the Christian faith.I have been watching many American evangelicals trying to distancethemselves from the calls in the name of the Almighty for the war tocontinue. As Christian leaders of all persuasions, including leadersof evangelical churches, are calling for Mideast peace and animmediate cease-fire, these Christian Zionists want their followersto pray only for Israel.One e-mail message that was making the rounds came from a prominentU.S. evangelical Christian totally upset with an interview that PatRobertson gave to the Jerusalem Post. In it, Robertson appears morepro-Israeli than the Israelis themselves and expresses anger at thenotion that Israelis might not completely finish off Hezbollah — atask that he somehow sees as God's will. The author of the above-mentioned e-mail message, Serge Duss of World Vision, a Christianrelief organization, called the Robertson interview "a perversion ofthe Gospel of Jesus." Duss writes that he is sure that manyevangelicals strongly disagree and would gladly refute Robertson'sdistorted theology.Duss insists that American evangelicals are praying for 1) thepeople of Israel and Lebanon; 2) for a cease-fire, so that liveswill be spared and 3) for peace with justice for all people in theMiddle East.The discussion has reminded me of so many calls I heard as a youngChristian boy growing up in Bethlehem and Jerusalem: the falseprophets that have predicted the end days and the presence of theanti-Christ are too numerous to list here. But I vividly rememberthe very same Pat Robertson in 1982 as he spoke on C.B.N.'s "700Club." He stood in front of a map of the Middle East, opened up acopy of the Old Testamant and claimed to know what a particularprophecy meant in geopolitical terms. As the Begin-Sharon army atthe time was besieging Beirut, he pointed out exactly what he saidwould happen next. In particular he was keen to repeat that theP.L.O.'s leader at the time, Yasir Arafat, was none other than theanti-Christ himself.Less than 13 years after that international broadcast, Robertson wasfilmed visiting Arafat in Gaza, delivering food and milk toPalestinians and applauding the peace agreement that Arafat hadsigned with Israel's Yitzhak Rabin.Christian Zionists who use religious rhetoric to justify politicaland military actions are no better than Jewish or Islamicfundamentalists who make similar outlandish claims. Peace in theMiddle East should be about the liberty, independence and freedomsof all the people of the region, and not about whose promised landthe Holy Land is.For the time being, I, as a Christian Palestinian, prefer to followthe words of Jesus in his Sermon on the Mount. "Blessed are thepeacemakers for they will be called the sons of God."

Monday, August 14, 2006

Theater Effects: Lacerations

Bacardi Rips-Off The Cacophony Society

From Laughingsquid:


Wow this is amazing, alcoholic beverage maker Bacardi totally ripped-off San Francisco’s infamous underground prankster group The Cacophony Society with their recent “Bacardi Salmon” television commerial.
Since 1994, The Cacophony Society has had their salmon running in the opposite direction during the annual Bay to Breakers 12K race through San Francisco. The salmon would enter at the mid point of the course and then spawn their way upstream. The salmon are mini-celebrities at the race and always get a huge cheer as they go by. This Cacophony event is known as Breakers to Bay and more salmon info can be found on Tribe.net, as well as photos on Flickr and video on YouTube.
So I was pretty surprised when I was sent a link to the “Bacardi Salmon” commerical. It was developed for Bacardi by the ad agency RKCR/Y&R (Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe, the UK office of Young & Rubicam) , who used the production company Hungry Man, with Jim Jenkins as the director of the spot. The ad steals the entire concept of The Cacophony Society’s Breakers to Bay event, featuring salmon spawning upstream during a foot race through New York (instead of San Francisco). They make no attempt to give any credit to the event’s origins or the person who came up with the idea for the event. In fact, I shot video of the 1996 Breakers to Bay salmon running and this commerical is eerily close to my footage (which has been in circulation for ten years), even including the salmon showing up at the bar at the end.
Well I guess if you can’t come up with something orginal, you can just follow Bacardi’s lead by co-opting someone else’s idea and “run upstream” with it. Oh yeah, be sure to drink a bunch of rum first.
UPDATE 1: Here’s an entry on the vfxtalk.com forums discussing the CG effects used by The Mill to create the ad. Well our salmons don’t need no stinkin’ CG.
UPDATE 2: Here’s a production news article from the Mayor’s Office of Film, Theatre & Broadcasting. My favorite quote from the article is “The agency wanted the Marathon and they wanted the Verrazano bridge. This couldn’t have shot anywhere else”. Um yeah, I guess unless you count the 12 years that it was shot in San Francisco. Man, does anyone ever fact check?
UPDATE 3: It turns out that this was not the first time a major corporation has stolen the idea of the Cacophony salmon run. Perviously Nike make a billboard using the concept. I’m looking for more info on this, including the year, if anyone knows.

Friday, August 11, 2006

The Frog Museum


A bit twee perhaps, but nonetheless compelling in its unusualness, the Frog Museum in Estavayer-le-Lac, Switzerland is a collection of 150-year-old satirical tableaus of domestic life in the 19th century – all involving stuffed frogs.
* See also Walter Potter’s curious taxidermy dioramas.

From: http://www.kirchersociety.org/blog/?p=826

(WFMU) More Mutants!

Blooming of Amorphophallus titanum (corpse flower) at BBG

"BBG's Spectacular Titan Arum Is About to Bloom...

The titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum) is one of the world's most remarkable plants. Native to tropical forests in Sumatra, it produces a monstrous four- to seven-foot-tall flower head, which releases a monstrous stench of putrefaction at peak bloom (another name for the plant is the corpse flower!). The species rarely flowers in cultivation—the last time one bloomed in New York was 1939. However, Brooklyn Botanic Garden's ten-year-old specimen has recently begun to flower. It's expected to reach full bloom at the end of the second week of August."



We Are The Web

A few “internet celebrities” have come together and have created a dorkadellic rap song to help fight for Net Neutrality. It features Leslie Hall, Peter Pan, The Tron Guy and a few other surprise guests.


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Turn your house into an elderly, rotting haunted mansion...

This tutorial explains how to photoshop a picture of a house into an elderly, rotting haunted house.

BTW, this house is just around the corner from me on Alameda!


Friday, August 04, 2006

Dagen då larverna kom till Flogsta


Strange photos of a carpet caterpillar infestation in which bicycles and trees are completely covered in cocoon that's filled with masses of writhing larvae

Hurra Torpedo


Hurra Torpedo is Norway's most famous kitchen appliance band, formed in the early nineties. They are a part of the artistic collective Duplex Records, and all members of the band also play in a variety of other bands in Norway.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Dangerous Beauty: The Art of the Shiv


William Drenttel

Dangerous Beauty: The Art of the Shiv

A shiv is a weapon crafted from the limited resources of a prisoner’s closed world. Crudely constructed from such things as spoons, shoelaces and upholstery tacks, shivs lie somewhere between the graceful and the grotesque. They’re primitive, too — like outsider art, but produced deep on the inside.
The individual parts that make up a shiv tend to be everyday objects, innocent things furtively reconstituted as lethal weapons. Each design choice is essential, but what’s particularly notable is that shivs, at their core, are not so much evocations of minimalism as they are symbols of survivalism. A shiv is all about masked utility: it’s an innocuous object with improbably toxic intent (whether used to attack others or to protect oneself...).
The shivs shown here, from the collection of designers Chris Kasabach and Vanessa Sica, were confiscated more than twenty years ago from New Jersey’s Rahway Prison (now East Jersey State Penitentiary), a maximum-security facility that houses more than 1,500 inmates serving sentences of twenty-five years to life. The designers saw each shiv in their collection as a piece of evidence, and over time, came to identify a kind of unique design pathology. Their observations are fascinating, as are the artifacts that inspired them and the circumstances surrounding each object's unique method of manufacture. You’ll never look at a typewriter the same way again.

Mechanical Secrets of Movie Gorillas

Land walker robot suit

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


"Does your cat look like Adolf Hitler? Do you wake up in a cold sweat every night wondering if he's going to up and invade Poland? Does he keep putting his right paw in the air while making a noise that sounds suspiciously like "Sieg Miaow"? If so, this is the website for you."

from: http://www.catsthatlooklikehitler.com/

Summer Reading

George W. Bush: Messiah? "William "Bill" Smatt has written what appears to be a delightful nonfiction book revealing that George W. Bush is the Messiah."

